PT Papua Agro Lestari has obtained the Minister of Forestry’s Decree of the Capitulation of Forest Area Number: SK.552/Menhut-II/2012 on an area of 32,347.40 ha and a Decree from the Head of the National Land Agency of Indonesia (BPN RI) on Cultivation Rights Number: 63/HGU/KEM-ATR/BPN/2016 on an area of 20,662.09 ha for the development of plantations and on an area of 4.549,86 ha which is allocated on the development of smallholdings. The capitulation settlement of customary right have been given to the customary holders. PT Papua Agro Lestari has ensured that the area mentioned in the Decree of the Capitulation of Forest Area on an area of ± 7,135.45 ha will not be opened to maintain the existing ecosystem balance.
The High Conservation Value on the Cultivation Rights of PT Papua Agro Lestari consisting HCV1 and HCV4 are ± 3.079,18 ha wide.
Based on the condition of the forest cover on PT Papua Agro Lestari area, the carbon stock in the Medium Density Forest is 122.03 ton C/Ha, 71.29 ton C/ha for the Low Density Forest, 44.56 ton C/ha for groves and 4.31 ton C/ha for shrubs. Based on the integrated analysis (the aspects of forest cover, carbon stock, HCV area, FPIC, and legality), the HCS area is stipulated on an area of 6,254.50 ha which is the customary lands of Selil Village, Ulilin District, Merauke, Papua.
The company is not a member of RSPO. An HCV assessment is done by the company voluntarily to ensure a protection towards the protected area according to the applied law in Indonesia.
The company finished self assessment of HCV and HCS. These studies are now being reviewed by HCVRN and HCS Approach. All HCV assessments of the company were done by experts who are licensed by HCVRN ( and HCS Approach
( The company is also a member of GAA
(2 January 2017)